Friday 19 September 2008

That random question thingymabob!

it inspired me and provoked much though in-fact. I thought of a question immediately in-fact. I realise i just wrote 'in-fact' twice, but it's my blog, my rules okay??? Love you all! xx! So my question as you may have already seen is how many feet are there in the world. Now for arguments sake lets say there are 6 billion people in the world. That doesn't mean that there will be 12 billion feet in the world, it would be truly amazing to find out the exact figure! What if it was like 11 billion!!!! how AMAZING!! you'd see people in the street and wander if their foot was ACTUALLY real! It might even prompt one to ask people to show their 'foot' and perhaps even conduct a small survey of your general area. Probably not, but i for one would love to find out the truth in this.

just a quick tinker from your friend chris


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